Rhiannon Isabela and Evangeline Grace Clary

December 29, 2010

Today I visited the dentist for the first time.  "Herbie" cleaned my teeth, said everything looked great and told me to come back in six months to take some x-rays.  Mommy and Daddy were very happy that I behaved so well for him.

December 27, 2010

Everyone slept in this morning.  Once we got up, Daddy made a big breakfast for us all then we hung around playing, visiting and enjoying each others company.

December 26, 2010

Nona, Auntie Jen and cousins Matt and Sam flew into town today to celebrate the holidays with everyone.  They are all staying at our house, which is exciting.  For dinner we had spaghetti, eggplant Parmesan and stuffed peppers.  We then all retired to the living room for another round of opening gifts!  I love the holidays, especially being around so many family members.

December 25, 2010

Santa came to our house last night and I must have been a good girl this year cuz be brought me a new bike and helmet.  Yea!!  Mommy, Daddy and I spent the morning opening gifts and stockings and having a nice breakfast.  In the afternoon, my Georgia family all came over for Christmas dinner.  There was soooo much food.  When we finished, we opened gifts then had some dessert.  Lillia and I stayed up really late and ended up falling asleep together on the floor in my bedroom.  As is the custom, after we went to bed the adults closed the evening by playing games.

December 24, 2010

My Georgia family met at Auntie A's house this afternoon for dinner and to open a few gifts.  Afterward, we went home and got a snack ready for Santa's visit.  Before bed, Mommy let me open one present, which turned out to be some new pajamas specially made for me by Grandma Clary.  I was so excited I decided to wear them to bed that night.

December 18, 2010

My Georgia family celebrated Christmas eve today a week early.  The Grangers will be in Louisiana for the holiday so we decided to exchange our stockings today at their house.  Uncle Mark, Uncle Tracy, Ethan and Daddy made a big Cajun meal for everyone.  It was delicious.  Afterward we opened our stockings, ate dessert then played games.

December 16, 2010

Today we had a holiday party at my school.  I brought cookies to share with the rest of my classmates.

December 5, 2010

Today I went to my friend Hadley's birthday party at a local kids fun palace.  I spent a lot of time playing on "bouncy things".  Afterward we all had cake and ice cream.  When that was done, Mommy, Daddy and I went to Auntie Adriennne's to celebrate Hanukkah with Uncle Tracy and the rest of my Georgia family.   It was very enjoyable.

December 2, 2010

Cousin Tessa had a violin recital near our house today so after school all my Georgia family went to listen.  She did a magnificent job.  Daddy put me up on his shoulders so I could see above the crowd and I sang and danced to Jingle Bells while up there.

November 25, 2010

Today was Thanksgiving and my Georgia family all went to cousin Lilia's house to celebrate.  We had a wonderful dinner and did lots of visiting.

November 21, 2010

Daddy's birthday was the 19th but he was out of town at a football game so we waited until today to celebrate.  I helped him open his presents and Mommy made him a special dinner.

November 12, 2010

Lilia had a sleepover at my house tonight.  The two of us had so much fun together.  Mommy even let the two of us sleep together in a real bed.  And we didn't even fall out!

November 11, 2010

Today was teacher conference day at school.  Mommy and Daddy came to school to talk with my teachers about my progress.  From what they told me, I'm doing very well and I'm to "keep up the good work".

November 6, 2010

Mommy and Daddy spent the weekend at a Bed and Breakfast in northern Georgia so I got to have a two-night sleepover with cousin Lilia.  We had such a great time together.

October 31, 2010

Today was Halloween and Lilia and I trick or treated around my neighborhood.  We both went dressed as witches.  It was a little chilly out but we had a lot of fun.

October 30, 2010

My Georgia family all went to Auntie Adrienne's house to celebrate Halloween.  Lilia and I dressed up as dinosaur eggs and Mommy and Auntie's Sammy and Jessie went as paleontologists.  There was costume contest and Lilia and I won in our age group.  I can't wait for tomorrow to trick or treat.

October 24, 2010

Mommy and Daddy took me to our neighborhoods Fall festival today.  I had a butterfly painted on my face, played with hula hoops and even won a Ms America prize.  I was so excited!

October 23, 2010

Mommy and I went with Daddy to his football came in Charleston, SC this weekend.  We spent two nights there.  We had dinner on Friday night with the rest of his officiating crew and on Saturday went to watch his ball game.  It was a beautiful weekend and we all had a great time.

October 17, 2010

My Georgia family all came over to the house today to celebrate Mommy's birthday.  Daddy grilled steak and cooked some ravioli and everyone else brought salads and appetizers.  Auntie's Jessie and Sammy made her birthday cake.  I helped open presents.

October 15, 2010

Today we had a carnival at my school.  Mommy came over and helped me have fun.  We thought about bouncing in the bouncy ball but I chickened out at the last second.  I also considered riding on the choo-choo train, but it was kinda loud so I passed on that as well.  I played games, though, with Lilia and even won a cake during a cake walk.  Afterward Lilia and Auntie Sammy came over to help us eat the cake.

October 10, 2010

Today was Mommy's birthday.  I got up early and brought my present to her in bed, then Daddy and I took her out for breakfast.  In the afternoon Mommy played tennis and while she was gone Daddy and I wrapped her presents and made her birthday dessert.  When she got home Daddy made a pizza on the BBQ grill and we all had dinner on our deck.  Daddy and I love Mommy very much.

October 9, 2010

Mommy and I went to cousin Nia and Tessa's soccer game today.  Lilia was in Maryland visiting Nona so I had to entertain myself.  That evening, Daddy got back early from his football game so our family met the Grangers and Auntie Jessie for dinner.

October 6, 2010

Mommy took me into the doctor today so I could get my flu shot.  It stung a little but I was a trooper and got over the pain very quickly.  Hopefully now I won't get sick this winter.

October 4, 2010

Today was picture day at school.  To get ready for it, I practiced my smiles all morning.  I hope they turned out well so I can share some with all my family.

October 2, 2010

There were a few things leftover from the garage sale last weekend so Mommy opened up our garage this weekend so we could try and sell the rest.  Aunties Sammy and Jessie and cousin Lilia came by to help.  We got rid of a few more things and what was left we donated to a local organization who supports the needy.

September 27, 2010

I've been practicing riding my new bike.  Actually, it's gently used as cousins Nia and Tessa handed it down to me.  I've been doing really well so far.  My legs aren't quite strong enough yet to make it move by myself, so Daddy or Mommy helps push me a little but I've got the pedaling thing down really well.  Won't be long and I'll be out on the driveway riding in circles.

September 25, 2010

Auntie A had a big garage sale at her house today and all the Georgia girls brought stuff by to sell as well as help as help out where they could.  Lilia and I tried out best to stay out of everyone's way while we played.

September 18, 2010

Mommy and I went to cousin Nia and Tessa's soccer games today.  Uncle Tracy took Lilia and me to the nearby playground so we could swing and play on the slide.  It was very fun.

September 10, 2010

Daddy is out of town this weekend officiating a football game so Mommy and I met Auntie Sammy and Lilia for dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  We had a nice time visiting.

September 6, 2010

Today Mommy took me for my first hair cut!  It was very exciting for both of us.  The hairdresser put a braid in my hair along with glitter and some stars.  Mommy also got a lock of my hair for a keepsake.

September 5, 2010

Auntie Adrienne hosted a Labor Day party today for my Georgia family.  It was pot luck so we each brought something different to eat. As we usually do, we had a nice visit then played board games.

August 21, 2010

Daddy was in North Carolina today officiating a football scrimmage so Mommy and me hung out all day.  It was a rainy day, so we played inside mostly.  It was nice to be able to spend the day together.

August 15, 2010

My entire Georgia family, plus Auntie Jessie's friend Kimberly from Boston, attended a AAA Gwinnett Braves baseball game.  There were 14 of us in total and we had a very nice time.  Daddy and me were dancing in front of our seats and had our picture shown on the Jumbotron.  I also got to meet Chopper, the Braves mascot, and had my picture taken with him.  I really like him.

August 14, 2010

This morning Auntie Sammy and Lilia joined Mommy and me as we helped out neighborhood pick up trash up and down our street.  We learned why it's important not to litter and that we need to clean up after ourselves.  Later in the afternoon we joined the rest of our Georgia family out for dinner then every one came back to our house to play games.

August 13, 2010

Daddy and Mommy went to a Dodgers vs Braves game tonight so Auntie Nicole came over to babysit me.  The two of us had a wonderful time.

August 7, 2010

Today my Georgia family celebrated cousin Lilia's 3rd birthday with a big party at her house.  The theme was dinosaurs.  We grilled out and had cake and ice cream.  The adults played games later in the evening.  We had so much fun.

August 6, 2010

Today Mommy and Daddy took down my crib and are letting me sleep in my own big girl bed.  I can get in and out all by myself!  I'm so excited.  This was a great week for me.

August 4, 2010

I went an entire day today in my big girl panties!  No accidents whatsoever.  Everyone was so excited at my progress.  I'm hoping to continue without my pull-ups going forward.  I'm sure I'll have accidents now and again but that's to be expected.  Soon I'll be ready to try going all night without pull-ups as well.  Wish me luck.

August 2, 2010

Today is my first day in big girl panties.  Mommy and Daddy thought I was ready to give it a try so we jumped right in.  I had a couple of accidents at school but I'm a quick learner and think I'll catch on quickly.

July 24, 2010

Auntie Sammy, Lilia, Mommy, Daddy and I flew home to Atlanta today.  It was a long day of travel but at the end of the day it was nice to be home.  I'm already looking forward to our next family get together.

July 23, 2010

Today was our last day of vacation in Eastman.  We spent the morning at the beach and after a nice nap said goodbye and drove back to Boston to spend the night at the Brennan's home.  I had so much fun and was very sad to see my time with everyone end.

July 22, 2010

Most of us met at the lake again to play in the water.  Daddy, Uncle Ken, Uncle Chris and cousin Colin also got in a final round of golf.  For dinner, Uncle Mark made a big batch of jambalaya for everyone and the Brennans brought over some ribs.  After dinner all the kids had a second dance party.  It was so much fun.  To end the evening, Uncle Mark mc'd a game of "Gram" trivia for the crowd.

July 21, 2010

Today Daddy and Uncle Mark got up early and took a canoe out on the lake to do some fishing while Mommy, Uncle Tracy, Aunties A, Jessie, and Nicki and cousin Colin played tennis.  Auntie Sammy and cousin Julie took Lilia and me to the lake where we met all the other family members.  Later in the afternoon, a number of the adults drove to Vermont to the Harpoon brewery for a tour.  Upon their return, most everyone joined in the backyard to visit and play.  Dinner followed at our condo followed by more games.

July 20, 2010

This morning all the cousins and a number of adults drove to Vermont to the Billings dairy farm.  We saw lots of cows, horses and sheep.  After the tour we had some delicious ice cream.  Daddy played golf with Aunt Karen, Uncle Ken and Uncle Chris.  After we got home, we enjoyed some of Auntie Sammies awesome veggie burritos.  As usual, we ended the night playing games.

July 19, 2010

Another great day on vacation.  A number of us spent time at the lake.  Later in the afternoon everyone met at a ball diamond close by and played softball.  It was so much fun (although we had to end it sooner than we had hoped because of rain and lightning).  Afterward, Auntie A made us a delicious dinner and we ended the evening playing cards.

July 18, 2010

Today was another fun day at Eastman.  Everyone walked to the lake and spent the day enjoying the water.  In the evening, we were all invited over to Nona's condo for dinner (Opa and Uncle Rich grilled).  The kids ended the night with a dance party while the adults played games.

July 17th, 2010

More family arrived in Eastman today.  Nona, Opa, Aunties Jessie and Nicki, Uncle Mark as well as Aunt Cindy, Uncle Rich and my cousins Julie and Brian all came to stay the week.  In the morning everyone went to the lake.  Daddy also golfed with Uncle Ken, Uncle Chris and cousin Colin.  That evening everyone enjoyed a pasta feed at the Brennan condo as well as an evening of fun and games.

July 16th, 2010

The Misner family, Auntie Sammy, cousin Lilia, Mommy, Daddy and me left today for a family reunion.  We flew to Boston and then drove to Eastman, NH to spend the week with my entire New England family.  After a long travel day, we were all invited over to the Brennan's condo where Uncle Chris grilled some chicken wings, sausages and burgers for Uncle Ken, Aunt Karen, Gram, Aunt Jennifer, and my cousins Colin, Matthew, Sam.

July 13, 2010

Today was my 26 month birthday.

July 4, 2010

My Georgia family all came over to my house today to celebrate the 4th of July.  We grilled then the men set off fireworks in the backyards.  As a special treat, Lilia and I were allowed to stay up late to watch.

July 3, 2010

Mommy, Daddy and I flew back home to Atlanta today.  We had a great visit in Montana and can't wait until we go back.  I miss Gramma and Papa already.

June 30, 2010

I went to watch my cousin Christopher play baseball today.  Afterwards, cousin Andrew rode home with us and spent the day at Gramma and Papas.  He and I had so much fun playing together.

June 29, 2010

This afternoon my Montana family and I went for a boat ride on Flathead Lake.  It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed my first ride on a boat.

June 25, 2010

Mommy, Daddy and I flew to Montana today to spend a week with Gramma and Papa.  We are all really looking forward to our visit.

June 20, 2010

Today was Father's Day and my Georgia family all got together to celebrate at Auntie Adrienne's house.  We had a nice dinner and played games.

June 13, 2010

Today was my 25 month birthday.  I celebrated by playing in the neighborhood pool with cousin Lilia.  We had so much fun.  The last week has been great for me.  I've consistently been using the potty at both school and home and have graduated to pull-ups.  It won't be much longer before I'm wearing underwear.  I can't wait.

June 7, 2010

Today was a special day around the Clary household.  I officially used the potty for the first time.  I did it at school and Mommy and Daddy were so happy when the teacher told them.  As a reward I got some candy corn when I got home.  It was awesome!

May 29, 2010

Today Mommy and Daddy were married in a small ceremony in our backyard.  Mommy looked so beautiful.  I was the flower girl and was dressed in a pretty purple dress.  We held the reception in our subdivisions clubhouse just down the street.  I had such a good time playing with Lilia and some other little girls, as well as dancing and singing to music.  What an enjoyable day for all.

May 28, 2010

All our out of town guests and me were invited over to the Granger house for dinner.  My Georgia family put together a large dinner to celebrate Mommy and Daddy's upcoming nuptials.  It was the first time both sides of the family and been together.  We all had a great time.

May 27, 2010

Nona, Opa and Daddy's good friends Mike V., Chris and his son Connor came to town today.  We have a full house of guests and it's very enjoyable.

May 26, 2010

Gramma, Papa, Uncle Mark and Grammy flew into town today to attend this weekends festivities.  I was very excited to see them all.

May 22, 2010

Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Mark and Auntie Nickie and Sammy went into Atlanta this evening to watch "A Prairie Home Companion" and have dinner, so I got to sleepover and Lilia's house.  Auntie Jessie played with us all evening.  We had so much fun.

May 21, 2010

I participated in a walk-a-thon at school today for one of my classmates who has a kidney disease.  Mommy helped me raise money for the event.  It was a very worthwhile cause and I learned a lot about giving back.

May 16, 2010

Cousin Tessa and I co-celebrated our birthdays today (Tessa turned eight today).  My Georgia family all came over.  Daddy grilled burgers and Auntie Adrienne brought salads and birthday cake for everyone.  We had so much fun.

May 13, 2010

Today was my second birthday and it began with a visit to my doctor for an annual checkup.  Doctor Zager said I'm 36" tall, weigh 30 lbs and doing great.  We were all happy to hear that.  Later that afternoon Mommy made birthday cupcakes and brought them into school so I could celebrate with my classmates.  That was a lot of fun.  When we got home, my aunts and cousin Lilia came over to help celebrate with presents and homemade birthday cake.  Daddy even set up the computer so Gramma and Papa in Montana could help sing Happy Birthday and watch me blow out my candles.  I had such a wonderful day!

May 9, 2010

Today was Mother's Day and we celebrated with a trip to a botanical garden south of Atlanta.  My family spent the day hiking through forests and flower gardens.  Daddy and I really enjoyed spending time with the worlds best Mommy.

April 29, 2010

Daddy's friends Mark and David flew into town this weekend to play golf with him.  I met them last year at the same time of the year.  They stayed at our house and we all had a great visit.

April 24, 2010

Mommy and I spent the day together. Daddy had to officiate an arena league football game out of town this weekend so we had fun shopping and visiting with cousin Lilia and aunties Samantha and Jessie.

April 13, 2010

Today is my 23 month birthday.  This time next month I'll be celebrating my 2nd birthday.  I'm getting really excited for that.

April 11, 2010

Uncle Ken and Aunt Karen left for home this evening.  Before that we all went to breakfast at my favorite Sunday morning haunt.  I look forward to seeing them both in July when we fly up to New Hampshire for a vacation.

April 9, 2010

Everyone came to my house tonight for a cookout.  Uncle Ken and Uncle Mark manned the grill while everyone else made food in the kitchen.  Afterward we played games and had a nice visit.

April 8, 2010

Uncle Ken and Aunt Karen flew into town from Boston today.  They are attending a wedding on Saturday and spending the rest of the time with their Georgia family.  Tonight we all went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  Everyone really enjoyed the evening.

April 4, 2010

Today was Easter Sunday.  First thing in the morning I gathered eggs that the Easter bunny had left me.  Later in the morning my Georgia family all met at Auntie Sammie and Jessie's house for brunch.  They made some wonderful food for us.  Later in the afternoon we decorated cookies.  We all had a great visit.

March 28, 2010

I went on my first Easter egg hunt today.  Our subdivision had a big event at the clubhouse and we invited Auntie Sammy and Lilia to join us.  It was so much fun.  Lilia and I gathered a basket full of eggs each.  We even had our picture taken with the Easter Bunny.  It was awesome!

March 25, 2010

My school held its Spring Carnival today.  Lilia and I road a choo-choo train together.  Daddy and I participated in a "cake walk" and I won a beautiful carrot cake.  Afterward we all went to Lilia's house and had dinner and ate some of my cake for dessert.

March 20, 2010

My Georgia family all came over this afternoon for our first BBQ of the year.  The weather was great and everyone brought food to help celebrate.  After dinner we played games and visited.

March 17, 2010

Today was St Patrick's Day and we celebrated at school with a party.  I wore a new green dress that I really liked.  Mommy brought green apples for everyone to enjoy.  The class also had cookies, fruit and juice.  I had a very nice time.

March 15, 2010

I moved up into the next level of my school today.  I moved from the "Toddler" room to the "Get Set" room.  Unfortunately for me, at the same time I moved in my cousin Lilia moved up to her next level, too.  So we won't be in the same class, but we do see each other every day, which is awesome.

March 13, 2010

Today was my 22 month birthday.  I'm closing in on my second birthday.  Won't be long now.

March 5, 2010

I was able to visit with Gramma and Papa in Montana today on a video chat.  Daddy was able to connect both of our computers so we could talk and see each other using our web cameras.  It was really neat!  I can't wait for our next call with them.

March 4, 2010

Daddy brought Mommy home from the hospital today.  I sure missed her and was super happy to see her!  She is moving slow and very sore but should be back to normal in a couple of weeks.

March 2, 2010

Mommy got really sick last night and Daddy had to take her into the hospital where she ended up having her appendix removed.  My four Georgia aunts all chipped in to take care of me, staying with me overnight and getting me back and forth to school while Daddy stayed with Mommy in the hospital.

February 28, 2010

My Georgia family and me went for a 5 mile hike today at Red Top Mountain State Park, which is about an hour northwest of home.  It was a lot of fun.  Mommy carried me in a backpack.  I fussed a little at the beginning, cuz I wanted to walk, but settled down after a while and enjoyed the scenery, singing and chatting as we walked along the trail.  I look forward to my next hike with the group.

February 25, 2010

Daddy left for Phoenix today to spend a few days golfing with some friends.  Mommy and I will miss him but are looking forward to some "girl time". 

February 20, 2010

My Georgia family and me spent the afternoon at the Granger household celebrating the birthdays of Uncle Mark and Auntie Jessie. Auntie Nickie made us a nice dinner and did some visiting.  After dinner the adults all played poker and had lots of fun.

February 13, 2010

Today was my 21 month birthday.  Mommy and Daddy are spending the night out of town to celebrate Valentines Day so I'm having a sleepover with cousin Lilia.  It snowed a lot overnight so Aunties Jessie and Sammy took us out to play in the yard.  We had a blast!

February 8, 2010

Mommy left today for a business trip to Hawaii.  I hear good things about place and hopefully will get to visit in the future.  She'll be gone four days so Daddy gets to watch over me in her absence.

February 3, 2010

I saw my first "reindeer" today.  Three whitetail deer, a buck and two does, were in the back yard late in the afternoon and everyone watched them from our kitchen window.  They were very beautiful.

February 1, 2010

Daddy's good friend Andy spent the night with us.  He is from Montana and was in town on business.  We had dinner together and afterwards the three adults had a good visit.

January 30, 2010

Mommy and Daddy went to a matinee today so I got to spend the afternoon with Auntie Nickie and Uncle Mark.  We all had a great time playing and they took very good care of me.  I'm looking forward to my next visit.

January 23, 2010

Mommy's cousin Eric was in town this weekend visiting so all my Georgia family came over to my house this evening for dinner.  We had a nice time visiting with Eric and catching up on each others lives.

January 13, 2010

Today was my 20 month birthday.  Mommy and Daddy find it hard to believe how quickly time has flown by.  Seems like only yesterday they were swaddling me in my crib.  And now I'm saying full sentences and starting to dress myself.

January 9, 2010

This afternoon my Georgia family all met at Auntie Adrienne's home to celebrate her birthday as well as Auntie Sammy and cousin Nia.  All of them have birthdays in January.  It was a lot of fun.  I played blocks with cousin Lilia why the grown ups visited and watched football.  I always enjoy seeing everyone.

January 4, 2010

Today was my first day back at school after the long holiday break.  I was a little tentative at first when Mommy dropped me off but got over it quickly and was in good spirits when she left me to go to work.  It was nice to see my classmates again.

