Rhiannon Isabela and Evangeline Grace Clary



December 31, 2012

On the last day of 2012, after dinner Daddy shot off fireworks in the backyard to celebrate the the New Year.  Mommy and Rhiannon had a great time watching but Evangeline slept through it as it was part her bedtime.

December 30, 2012

Nona returned to Maryland today after a long visit in Georgia.  As always it was great to see her and she will be missed.  Also, Lilia and Tessa spent the day at the Clary house then had a sleepover with Rhiannon.  

December 28, 2012

Aunties Jessie and Sammie came over today for dinner.  Nona made stuffed artichokes and baked chicken wings and they were delicious.

December 27, 2012

Opa left for Maryland today.  During his time here he made lots of things in the kitchen, including several different types of breads and two apple pies.  He is a great cook.  He also told us lots of stories and sang to us.  We will miss him and look forward to seeing him again soon.

December 25, 2012

Today was Christmas and the girls woke bright and early.  Santa had dropped by the house overnight and left presents for both girls and they enjoyed playing with those as well as opening all the other gifts that were piled under the tree.  Shortly after noon the rest of the Georgia family came by to celebrate.  More gifts were exchanged and opened and a wonderful meal of beef and pork was served.  Plenty of desserts were also enjoyed.  To end the evening everyone played games around the dinner table.

December 24, 2012

For Christmas Eve, the entire Georgia family came to the Clary house to celebrate.  The Aunts all exchanged stockings and afterward we had a dinner of chicken cutlets and stuffed peppers.  Before retiring for the nights, Rhiannon made sure to put out cookies and milk for Santa and some oatmeal for his reindeer.

December 23, 2012

Nona and Opa flew into town yesterday for the holidays.  Today all the Aunts and their kids came to the Clary house for dinner.  Late in the evening the kids all set up luminaries on the sidewalk around the house and when it was dark the growns up lit them.  They burned for several hours and were very beautiful.

December 22, 2012

Mommy had surgery at the hospital earlier in the week and Dad brought her home today to continue her recovery.  During their absence, Auntie Nicole and Auntie Sammy watched Rhiannon and Evangeline.

December 21, 2012

Rhiannon had a holiday party at school today.  Daddy attended and was treated to several Christmas songs performed by her entire class.

December 14, 2012

Dad had a football game in Washington state this weekend so it was girls weekend at the Clary house.  Rhiannon especially loves her alone time with Mom.

December 10, 2012

Rhiannon was recognized as the "Star of the Week" in her pre-Kindergarten class.   She decorated and wore a special crown and also helped Mom create a poster that will hang in her classroom for the week.  Mom and Dad were very proud of her for this accomplishment.

December 9, 2012

Today Mommy took Rhiannon to her classmate Hadley's 5th birthday party.  The kids all had fun playing, jumped and eating pizza and cake.  

December 4, 2012

Today was Evangeline's eight month birthday.  Dad took the obligatory monthly photo and Rhiannon through her a surprise party.

December 2, 2012

The Clary family went to the neighborhood clubhouse to visit Santa and Mrs. Claus.  The girls had their picture taken with them and Rhiannon enjoyed some arts and crafts activities while Evangeline entertained herself by watching all the people come in and out.

December 1, 2012

Daddy put up the Christmas tree today while Mommy decorated the house in festive colors and themes.  Later in the evening the family put ornaments on the tree.

November 30, 2012

Today was NCAA day a school and the Clary girls wore Montana Grizzlies, New England Patriot and Stanford Cardinal gear.

November 29, 2012

Daddy and Mommy are in the process of considering Kindergarten school options for Rhiannon.  There are a handful of private schools nearby as well as an excellent public elementary school.  Daddy visited one of the private schools today to see what they offer.  A decision will need to be made by early Spring.

November 24, 2012

Rhiannon attended a birthday party this morning for her friend and classmate Hannah.  Later in the afternoon, Daddy took a long walk around the neighborhood with Evangeline while Mommy and Rhiannon enjoyed some time quiet time at the house.

November 22, 2012

Today was Thanksgiving and most the Georgia family celebrated at the Granger household (Auntie Sammy, Lilia and the Misner family were out of town at other family celebrations and unable to attend).  Uncle Mark cooked a wonderful turkey and Aunt Nicole had her house all decorated for the season.  Fun was had by all.

November 19, 2012

Today was Daddy's birthday and Rhiannon and Mommy made him a special dinner and pumpkin pie to celebrate.  Daddy's friend Mark was in town playing golf and staying at the house and enjoyed the evening as well.

November 16, 2012

Rhiannon and Evangeline's school invited all the parents to attend a Thanksgiving luncheon in the classrooms.  Both Mommy and Daddy came and had an early turkey dinner.  Afterwards, Rhiannon and her classmates entertained everyone with several festive songs.

November 11, 2012

The entire Georgia family came over to the Clary house to celebrate the visit of Aunt Carole and Uncle Doug.  Daddy grilled dinner and everyone had a wonderful time visiting.

November 10, 2012

Mommy's sisters took her out this evening for a belated birthday party so Daddy watched the girls and Lilia.  Everyone played games and danced and had a great time at the sleepover.

November 9, 2012

Aunt Carole and Uncle Doug flew into town today for a long weekend with their Georgia family.  They are staying at the Clary household during their visit which is very exciting for Rhiannon and Evangeline.

November 7, 2012

Today Mom and Dad had parent-teacher conferences at school.  Rhiannon's teacher said that she is a great student and excels at everything academic.  She also said in all her time at the school that she has never taught a child as advanced as Rhiannon.  Of course, that made Mom and Dad very proud.

November 3, 2012

Today was the last day of soccer games.  Rhiannon wasn't feeling all that well and didn't participate much but had a nice time overall with the sport this fall.  We will decide again next year if she wants to continue to play or try something different like baseball.

November 2, 2012

At school day the kids were asked to wear their favorite hat.  Rhiannon wore her Tatonka (bison) hat.

October 31, 2012

Today was Halloween and both girls dressed up as skeletons.  Mom and Dad attended a party at school then came home and met Lilia and Jackson and their parents, then everyone walked around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.

October 28, 2012

Our neighborhood had its annual Fall Carnival today at our clubhouse.  The Clary family all attended and even though it was cold and windy everyone had a lot of fun.  Rhiannon had her face painted like a cat and played with some friends while Evie enjoyed watching the activities while bundled up in her stroller.  Afterwards the family went back home to enjoy a nice fire in the fireplace.

October 26, 2012

Today was Pajama Day at school and both the girls wore something warm, as the days have gotten colder lately.

October 23, 2012

Rhiannon and Evangeline had their pictures taken at school today.  Mom and Dad are awaiting the proofs to see which they will buy.

October 20, 2012

Today Mommy and our GA aunties had a garage sale at our house.  Everyone came over to participate.  Lilia, Rhiannon and Evangeline all played inside while the bartering was going on in the garage.

October, 18, 2012

Last night Evangeline slept out of her swaddle blanket for the first time since she was born.  She did great, not waking the entire night.

October 17, 2012

Mommy has been in Florida for a few days at a work conference so Daddy has been looking after us girls.  Today Rhiannon got her flu shot and she was very brave.  Afterward, Daddy took her to Barns and Noble to look at books, then to get an ice cream cone.  When they got back to school, he came to her classroom and read several books to the class.

October 12. 2012

Today Rhiannon brought her favorite book, The Wizard of Oz, to school to show her classmates.  It was also Auntie Pam's birthday up in Minnesota so we gave her a call and wished her a great day.

October 10, 2012

Today was Momma's birthday and the Clary family celebrated after Rhiannon's soccer practice. We started off by feeding Evie her first cereal.  She seemed to enjoy the change from just formula.  Next, Daddy made Breakfast For Dinner and a chocolate cake for Mommy.  We ended the night by opening presents.

October 9, 2012

Evangeline had her six month doctor's appointment today.  All checked out just fine, though Evie left in a foul mood after receiving three shots in her legs.  

October 7, 2012

The Clary family all went to breakfast this morning then later in the day the entire Georgia family came to the house today to celebrate Mommy's birthday.  Dad made homemade pizza on the BBQ grill and a chocolate cake, and the cousins all helped to decorate it.

October 4, 2012

Today was Evangeline's six month birthday.  As usual, the Clary family celebrated by taking a picture of Evie to post to the website.  Mom and Dad are pretty sure she is thinking how exciting that was and wondering why next time we don't substitute cake and ice cream.

September 29, 2012

Rhiannon had a soccer game in the morning then afterward attended a birthday party for her classmate Dru.  Mommy and Evangeline accompanied her to both activities, as Daddy was out of town at a football game.  After the party, the girls joined up with Lilia and Auntie Sammy to attend a Fall festival near Lilia's house.  When that was over, the girls picked up some pizzas and came back to the Clary house for dinner.  Rhiannon ended her day with Lilia getting to stay for a sleepover. 

September 22, 2012

Mom and Dad spent the day in Atlanta watching a golf tournament so Auntie Nicki and Uncle Mark babysat Rhiannon and Evangeline.  They had a lot of fun together, including taking a long walk around the neighborhood and getting some ice cream.

September 15, 2012

Cousin Jackson celebrated his 1st birthday today with a party at his house.  The entire Georgia family came over for the festivities.  Since the party had an animal theme, the three Clary girls all wore matching leopard print tops. 

September 14, 2012

Today was Pajama Day at school, so both Rhiannon and Evangeline wore their favorite sleepwear in their classrooms.

September 8, 2012

Auntie Sammie had to go on a business trip to Europe for a few days so Lilia is spending the weekend with us.  Daddy had to go to a football game this weekend, so us four girls ad a great time.

September 4, 2012

The Clary family helped Evangeline celebrate her 5 month birthday today.  

September 1, 2012

Rhiannon attended a birthday party for her classmate Jacob at a city park nearby.  Although hot and humid she enjoyed herself playing with friends.

August 31, 2012

Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding today so Auntie Sammy and Lilia came over to the house babysit both girls.

August 29, 2012

Rhiannon went to her first soccer practice of the fall season.  She is playing organized soccer this year and is on a coed team with four other kids.  She was very excited about the first practice, listening well and fully participating.  She also met a new friend named Liam that she took to right away.

August 26, 2012

Lots of Mommy/Daughter time this past weekend.  Daddy was out of town playing golf with some friends so it was just the girls at the house the entire weekend.  Early in the weekend Momma went to a concert with most of her sisters and Auntie Sammy and Uncle Mark stepped in to babysit both kids.  That was very helpful.

August 15, 2012

More Daddy/Daughter time this week as Mommy was in Los Angeles for a few days for work.  Bath time was an eventful undertaking without Mom but we managed to get through it without any major injuries. 

August 9, 2012

Mommy was out of town on business the last couple of days so the girls had some Daddy/Daughter time. 

August 7, 2012

Evangeline went to the doctor today for her 4 month checkup.  The doctor said she is doing wonderfully.  To celebrate, the doctor gave her two shots.  Evi was not happy about the present but only cried for a short time before settling back into her relatively relaxed demeanor.

August 6, 2012

The Georgia family all came to the Clary house this evening to have pizza with Nonna, as today is her last day in Atlanta before heading back to Maryland.  Everyone will sure miss her and can't wait until Christmas when she comes back to see us all.

August 5, 2012

This morning the Georgia family and Nonna all went out to breakfast.  Later in the afternoon everyone gathered at Auntie Nickie's  house for more visiting.

August 4, 2012

Today was Evangeline's 4 month birthday and for a present she surprised Mommy and Daddy by turning over twice from belly to back!  She is doing so well.  In the afternoon, Daddy took Rhiannon to her friend Sophie's birthday party.  She had a great time playing on the swings and making forts.  Afterward, Mommy and Evangeline joined them both at Auntie Sammie's for Lilia's 5th birthday party.  The theme for the event was Camping.  Sammie made lots of neat foods to eat and everyone hung out in the backyard visiting.  Later we all made smores around a fire.  To end the evening, Nia, Tessa, Rhiannon and Lilia all had a slumber party.

August 3, 2012

The entire Georgia family and Nonna came to the Clary house this evening to visit.  We ordered Chinese food and everyone ate until they were stuffed. 

August 2, 2012

Nonna came into town this evening to spend a few days visiting her Georgia family.  There will be plenty of get togethers over the weekend, that is a given.

July 29, 2012

Rhiannon attended her friend Jonathan's birthday party today at the park.  She had a great time playing on the stage, chasing her friends and eating cupcakes.

July 26, 2012

Daddy attended a football officials clinic in South Carolina so it was girls weekend at the Clary household.  Auntie Sammy was in Utah for a few days so Lilia spent several nights at the house, too.  You can be sure Mommy was kept quite busy herding us all around.

July 22, 2012

Daddy and Rhiannon went to see Ice Age 3 at the movie theater today.  Rhiannon was so excited to see it and had a great time.

July 18, 2012

The Clary family returned to Atlanta today.  Everyone was sad to leave Montana but it was good to get home as well.

July 16, 2012

Today Daddy went fishing with his best friends Chris and Mike from Helena so it was girls day at Gramma and Papas house.   Everyone took a trip to town for pizza and did some sightseeing in the countryside.

July 15, 2012

Uncle Mark and his family came to Gramma's house today for dinner.  Daddy made a cake for Gramma and everyone sang Happy Birthday to her.

July 14, 2012

In the early afternoon, everyone attended cousin Christopher's baseball games.  He is an awesome player and had many great hits.  That night, the Clary family (minus Evangeline) attended Daddy's high school reunion party.  While Rhiannon played with a new friend, Mommy and Daddy visited and caught up with old friends.

July 13, 2012

Today was Gramma's birthday.  Rhiannon presented her with a card she made and everyone wished her a great day.  Later in the evening, while Gramma and Papa babysat Evangeline, Mommy, Daddy and Rhiannon went to an outdoor concert put on by one of Daddy's friends.  Daddy also met a number of his high school classmates at the event.  Everyone had a wonderful time.

July 12, 2012

The Clary family flew to Montana today to visit Gramma and Papa and so Daddy could attend his 30th high school reunion.  This was Evangeline's first airplane ride and she did very well, as did Rhiannon.

July 6, 2012

Rhiannon had Wet-n-Wild day at her school today.  She and her classmates got to put on their swimming suits and play in the sprinklers during recess.  It was great fun.

July 4, 2012

Most of the Georgia family came over to the Clary house today to celebrate Americas birthday.  It also turned out to be Evangeline's 3 month birthday as well.  Everyone spent the afternoon at the pool then came back to the house for hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and apple pie.  Later that evening Daddy and Uncle Mark set off fireworks in the backyard while the rest of us watched from the deck.  It was awesome!

July 2, 2012

Uncle Ken and Aunt Karen flew home to Boston today.  Everyone was sad to see them leave and we all look forward to the next time we can get together.

July 1, 2012

Rhiannon went to a birthday party for her friend Evan today.  It was a small gathering but she enjoyed herself regardless.  Afterwards the Clarys joined Auntie's Nicki, Jessie and Sammy as well as Lilia at a Gwinnett Braves AAA baseball game.  It was extremely hot but everyone had a great time.

June 30, 2012

Rhiannon attended a birthday party for her good friend Austin today at a bowling alley.  It was her first time bowling and she had a lot of fun.  Later that afternoon all of her Georgia family stopped by the house for dinner and games.  Today turned out to be the hottest day ever recorded in Atlanta (106) so suffice it to say most of the visiting and playing was done indoors in the AC.

June 28, 2012

Uncle Ken and Aunt Karen flew into Atlanta today from Boston to visit their Georgia family.  There will be lots of family gatherings over the next several days as everyone visits and plays together.

June 27, 2012

Rhiannon had her six month dental checkup today.  She was in and out in no time and everything checked out just fine.  She made it back to school in time to see a special science exhibition which really excited her.

June 24, 2012

Today the Georgia cousins (minus Evangeline and Jackson) went to the movie theater to watch Madagascar 3.  The kids were so excited to go.  Afterwards, everyone returned to the neighborhood pool for swimming and ice cream.

June 23, 2012

Rhiannon spent the afternoon at her friends Brooks' birthday party.  This is the eighth birthday party she has attended this year and always loves every moment of them

June 22, 2012

Today was the last day of swimming lessons for Rhiannon and Lilia.  Lessons concluded with a mock swim meet.  The kids were all able to stand on the starting block, jump in the water and, with the assistance of coaches, swim the length of the pool.  They had a great time.  Afterward, ribbons were awarded and the kids all took pictures with their coaches.  Later in the evening, the entire GA family came to the Clary house and watched a movie in the backyard.  Uncle Tracy and Daddy set up a screen and projector and showed Madagascar 2.  Despite some rain earlier in the evening the event turned out great.

June 19, 2012

Rhiannon and Daddy walked down to the neighborhood pool this evening and watched a swim meet.  It was packed with kids and adults and Rhiannon was able to see what she will be able to do once she is finished with her swimming lessons.

June 16, 2012

Rhiannon spent the evening at her school playing games, doing crafts and watching a movie.  Called Parents Night Out, the school babysits while the parents get some time to themselves.  On this occasion it was renamed Rhiannon's Night Out, as her parents stayed home on the couch while she partied the night away.

June 15, 2012

The Clary girls school celebrated Fathers Day today with Donuts for Dad.  Dad dropped the kids off and shared donuts and juice with them.

June 13, 2012

Today was Evangeline's first day of school, which meant it was also Momma's first day back to work.  Baby did great at school and I Momma did the same at work.

June 9, 2012

Rhiannon attended her classmate Jessica's birthday party today.  The usual suspects were all there and as always, the kids all enjoyed playing with each other and eating pizza and cake.

June 8, 2012

Evangeline had her two month doctor appointment today.  All checked out great, though she had to get four shots in her legs and was not happy about that.

June 7, 2012

Uncle Mark and Aunt Nicole are out of town for a few days so Jackson is spending a couple of nights with us.  Rhiannon is excited to have him at the house and is looking forward to feeding him.

June 4, 2012

Rhiannon and Daddy flew back to Georgia today.  Both were sad to leave their Montana family but were excited to get home to see Mommy and Evangeline.  Soon after they arrived home Rhiannon went to her first swimming lesson of the summer.  Lilia is joing her.  She did very well and is looking forward to all of her future lessons.

June 3, 2012

Rhiannon and Daddy went with Gramma and Papa to cousin Christopher's high school graduation today.  Afterward they went to Uncle Mark's house for a party.

June 2, 2012

Daddy and Rhiannon drove to Missoula today to watch cousin Christopher play baseball.  Cousin Andrew went with them.  Unfortunately the game was rained out but the three of them met Uncle Mark and his girlfriend Pam for lunch.

June 1, 2012

Rhiannon played outside at Gramma and Papa's house today.  She rode a 4-wheeler with Papa and fed apples to his horse.  Gramma walked down to the pond with her where they fed corn to a wild trumpeter swan. 

May 31, 2012

Rhiannon spent most of the day with Gramma and Papa while Daddy was helping Uncle Mark get ready for his sons graduation party.  The three of them had a wonderful time.

May 30, 2012

Rhiannon and Daddy left today for Montana.  The two of them are going there to celebrate the high school graduation of cousin Christopher.  Mommy and Evangeline will be having an extra long mother/daughter weekend while they are gone.

May 29, 2012

Today was Mommy and Daddy's 2nd wedding anniversary.  Both of them went out to dinner and Auntie Nicole came over and sat with Rhiannon and Evangeline while they were gone.

May 28, 2012

Today was Memorial Day and most of the Georgia family came over to the Clary house to celebrate the holiday.  Grammy, Aunt Cindy and Uncle Rich were there, too.  Later that evening the three of them drove back to the airport for their flight back to Boston.  It was great having them all in Georgia for the long weekend.

May 27, 2012

Daddy took Rhiannon to a birthday party today for her classmates Natalie and Kylie.  It was held at a city park.  Afterward, both drove out to Auntie A's house where the rest of her Georgia family was having a party.

May 25, 2012

Rhiannon had a Wet-n-Wild day at her school today.  All classmates brought swimsuits to school and were allowed to play in the sprinklers before lunch.

May 24, 2012

Grammy, Aunt Cindy and Uncle Rich flew into Atlanta from Boston today for the Memorial Day weekend.  They are here to spend some time with their Georgia family.  I am sure we will all have a real nice time visiting and playing at the pool.

May 22, 2012

Mommy, Daddy, Evangeline and I attended Lilia's Pre-K graduation party today.  Her class put on a skit for the audience and received their diplomas at the end of the ceremony.  Lilia will be moving on to Kindergarten and a different school than me this fall.  I will be sad to see her leave.  :-(

May 21, 2012

Today was my first ballet recital.  Mommy, Daddy and Evangeline were there to cheer me on.  Aunties Sammy and Nicole also came and brought Lilia and Jackson.  Lilia even gave me a rose afterward!  It was so much fun.  I have been practicing very hard all year for it and thought I did a pretty good job.

May 20, 2012

Daddy took me to a classmate Amber's birthday party today.  It was a smaller party than usual but we all still had fun.

May 19, 2012

Mommy and Daddy went to see Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan in concert this evening so Auntie Sammie came over to babysit Evangeline and me.  Of course, Lilia came along as well.  She did a great job with both of us.

May 16, 2012

Daddy came to Rhiannon's class to day to read books to her classmates and her.  He always enjoys spending time with the kids and teasing them.  Afterward, Lilia came over to the house for a few hours to play.

May 14, 2012

Rhiannon had her annual physical today at the doctor's office.  She came away with flying colors and is doing great.  She continues to be very tall for her age (90th percentile).

May 13, 2012

Today was a special day around the Georgia Clary household.  It was not only Mother's Day but also Rhiannon's official 4th birthday.   The family all went to breakfast in the morning at the Big Chicken then came home where Mommy opened her gifts.  After a dinner of homemade pizza on the BBQ, Rhiannon blew out the candles on her cake and opened her presents.

May 12, 2012

The Georgia family celebrated the birthdays of Tessa (10) and Rhiannon (4) today.  The party was Pirate-themed and everyone came dressed as their favorite ocean going ne'r-do-well.   Daddy grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and Mommy provided separate cakes for each girl.  The kids played horseshoes outside and broke open a pinata filled with candy.  A great day was had by all.

May 11, 2012

Rhiannon's school celebrated Mother's Day today by providing muffins and coffee for moms as they dropped off their children for the day.  Later in the day, Rhiannon brought cupcakes into her class in to celebrate her 4th birthday.  Mommy and Daddy came along and, while some of the teachers babysat Evangeline, helped serve the goodies .

May 7, 2012

Evangeline had her one month doctors appointment today.  Everything checked out great!

May 5, 2012

Rhiannon's good friend Austin came over to the house today for a play date.  This was the first time she had a friend over to play (other than Lilia) and she'd been looking forward to it for two weeks.   The two of them had a blast and were busy all day playing pirates, having picnics and looking for dinosaur eggs in the sand box.

May 4, 2012

Today was Evangeline's one month birthday.  She is growing like a weed and starting to sleep more consistently throughout the night.  She loves watching her big sister and rocking in her chair.

April 27, 2012

Today was Pajama Day at Rhiannon's school.  This is one of her favorite school activities and she looks forward to it whenever it comes around on the calendar.

April 22, 2012

Rhiannon had fun at her classmate Olivier's birthday party today.  A large number of kids from yesterday's party were there as well.  Daddy took her while Mommy stayed home with Evangeline.

April 21, 2012

Rhiannon attended a birthday party today for her friend Cole.  A bunch of her classmates attended as well.  Mommy took Evangeline to the party as well and she was a big hit.  As always Rhiannon had a great time.

April 14, 2012

Rhiannon's school held it's annual Spring Carnival today.  Mommy, Daddy and Evangeline joined her in the activities.  There were plenty of things to keep the kids busy, including train rides, face painting, magic shows and jumping balloons.  Rhiannon was determined to win a cake in the Cake Walk and true to her stubbornness she continued to play until she did. 

April 13, 2012

Evangeline went out to her first restaurant today.  Vallarta is the Georgia families favorite Mexican favorite so what better place to introduce her to.

April 11, 2012

Daddy came to Rhiannon's school today and read to her class.  Nonna joined him.  Afterward daughter and Dad took Nonna to the train station so she could begin her trip back home to Maryland.

April 10, 2012

Rhiannon had her Parent Teacher conference today.  She continues to excel and is testing at Pre-K levels and reading at a 2nd grade level.  Mommy and Daddy are very proud of her.

April 8, 2012

The Georgia family celebrated Easter at the Clary house.  Nonna and the Aunties made a bunch of food and desserts to eat and everyone enjoyed the family time, complete with lots of pictures.

April 7, 2012

Mommy, Daddy and Evangeline left the hospital today and headed home.  Once there, most of their Georgia family came over to say hello to Evangeline, have dinner and visit.  Nonna flew into town as well to spend a few days helping Mommy with the new baby.

April 6, 2012

Mommy, Daddy and Evangeline had a very restful evening in the hospital.  The new baby slept very well and distractions through the night were minimal.  Everyone is in great spirits today and looking forward to Nona's visit.  She comes into town tonight and the Clary family is hoping to be released to go home tomorrow.

April 5, 2012

All is going great so far with Evangeline.  She is nursing well and although it was a short night for Mommy and Daddy everyone is starting to get into rhythm.  Auntie A and Uncle Tracy stopped by for a nice visit with the new baby.

April 4, 2012

The Clary family introduced a new member to its family this morning.  Evangeline Grace was brought into this world at 7:34am, measuring in at 6lbs 11oz and 19 inches.  Rhiannon is staying with Lila for a few days while Mommy and Daddy are at the hospital.  Auntie Sammy brought both girls by the hospital for a visit.  Rhiannon was a little shy about meeting her new sister by by the end of the visit had warmed up nicely and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

March 31, 2012

Some of the Georgia family stopped by the Clary household this afternoon for a last-minute BBQ.  Everyone sat on the deck enjoying the nice day while Daddy grilled chicken and hot dogs.

March 25, 2012

Rhiannon and Lila attended the annual Easter Egg hunt in Rhiannon's neighborhood.  They both made short work of filling their baskets with eggs and had fun playing on the playground afterward.

March 17, 2012

Rhiannon attended a class at the hospital today called Baby & Me.  Mommy and Daddy attended with her.  Along with a number of other soon-to-have-a-new-sibling children, the kids learned about what to expect when the new baby came home.  This included how to handle the baby, how to change diapers and what not to do around the baby.

March 16, 2012

Rhiannon's classroom had a St Patrick's Day party today.  Dad came into class to celebrate with us then read to the class afterward.

March 10, 2012

Today was Rhiannon's first day of soccer practice.  She participated very well had a great time.  Momma took her for a doughnut afterward.

March 7, 2012

Daddy's best friend Chris came to Atlanta for business and is staying with us for a few days during his visit.  We went to dinner tonight at a BBQ place close by.  That was a lot of fun.

March 2, 2012

Most of my Georgia family went out to dinner tonight at my favorite Mexican restaurant.  We always take up a big section of the place.

February 25, 2012

My friend Kadence had a birthday party today and Mommy and I attended.  A number of my friends were there and we had a great time playing and eating cake.

February 23, 2012

Today was Pajama Day at school.  All my classmates and me got to where our favorite sleepwear to class.  I love the break from my every day clothes.

February 17, 2012

Daddy is out of town this weekend playing golf so me and Mommy got to spend a lot of great girl time together.  We shopped, ran some errands and had breakfast with Lila and Auntie Sammy at the Big Chicken restaurant.

February 14, 2012

Today was Valentines Day and we celebrated in our classroom with a party.  Mommy and Daddy came and had treats with me and afterward Daddy read some books to my classmates and me.

February 12, 2012

Daddy put together a new bunk bed for me and moved it into my new room.  It is soooo cool!  Now Lilia can come over for lots more sleepovers and have her own bed, too.

February 11, 2012

Mommy and Daddy went out for dinner and a movie tonight some of my classmates and I went to my school where a couple of our teachers watched us while we did arts and crafts, played games and watched a movie.  I always enjoy these Kids Night Out events.

January 24, 2012

We had the upstairs carpet replaced today and after that Daddy moved my bed across the hall into the fish room.  Earlier in the week Daddy and I painted my new room pink so it would be ready for the move.  My old room will be used as the nursery for my new baby sister.  How exciting!

January 21, 2012

Most of my Georgia family went to a Mexican restaurant this evening for dinner.  We go their often as it is my favorite place to go.  I always have chicken soup, a cheese quesadillia and french fries.  Oh, and dessert.  Can't forget the dessert.

January 18, 2012

Daddy came to school today and read books to my classroom.  He tries to drop by once a month or so.  My class always enjoys the time he spends with us.

January 14, 2012

My Georgia family all spent the evening at Auntie A's house celebrating January birthdays.  Auntie A, Auntie Sammy and cousin Nia were all born this month.  We had appetizers, pizza and cake.  While the adults visited and watch football the kids all played games and had fun.

January 7, 2012

Today I went to a birthday party for one of my friends from school.  Lots of my other friends were there as well.  Mommy and Daddy both came as well, which was nice.  We played games, ate pizza and had birthday cake.  I love parties!