Rhiannon Isabela and Evangeline Grace Clary

December 28, 2015

The GA family all gathered at the Clary house for one final get together for the holidays.  Opa taught all the children how to make pizza and everyone enjoyed the baked results.  The adults finished the evening playing games while the children watched a movie on TV.

December 26, 2015

The Georgia family gathered at Auntie Jessie's home this afternoon for the traditional feast of chicken cutlets and stuffed artichokes.  The group played games and enjoyed desserts as well.

December 25, 2015

Today was Christmas and the girls were up bright and early, waking mom and dad to come see what Santa had delivered overnight.  The family spent the morning opening gifts and enjoying their time together.  Later in the afternoon the entire GA family arrived to celebrate Christmas.  More gifts were exchanged and opened and a wonderful meal of beef and chicken was served.  Plenty of desserts were also enjoyed.

December 24, 2015

The Georgia family spent the afternoon at the Granger house for Christmas Eve.  Nonna and Opa flew in from Maryland to celebrate the holidays with everyone.  Dad and Uncle Mark made ham, other entrees, sides and desserts for everyone.  The Auntie's and cousins had fun opening their stockings.  To end the evening the younger members of the family gathered in the living room and danced to the music played by DJ Dad and Uncle Mark.

December 22, 2015

The Clary family went bowling today and had a lot of fun.

December 20, 2015

As part of the Clary family tradition of "The 10 Days of Christmas", the family all went to the movie theater today to watch "The Good Dinosaur".  They had the theater all to themselves.  Daddy was very impressed that there was little to no fidgeting by anyone.

December 19, 2015

The Granger's hosted a holiday party today and the Clary family attended along with a number of other friends and family.  Daddy had been out of town officiating a football game but made it back in time to attend.

December 18, 2015

Evangeline and Rhiannon both had holiday parties at their schools today.  Mommy was able to attend Evie's party which excited her youngest daughter very much.

December 9, 2015

Rhiannon and her chorus class visited a local senior citizens home today where the children sang Christmas songs.  The adults enjoyed listening to the holiday tunes almost as much as the children singing them.

December 8, 2015

Rhiannon's 2nd grade class took a field trip into Atlanta to watch "The Christmas Carol" at the Atlanta Theater.  It was Rhiannon's first time seeing the play and she had a great time.

December 4, 2015

Rhiannon's classroom watched "The Polar Express" in class today.  All the children were allowed to wear their favorite pajamas to school with Rhi loved very much.

November 29, 2015

Rhiannon lost her fifth tooth today.

November 28, 2015

Evangeline went to her first movie today.  Momma took both girls to see "The Peanuts Movie".  All three girls had a great time watching the movie and eating popcorn.

November 26, 2015

Most of the GA family celebrated Thanksgiving today at the Misner household.  Auntie A and Uncle Tracy hosted a wonderful event and the family enjoyed themselves together.

November 19, 2015

Today was Daddy's birthday.  The family celebrated with a catered dinner, followed by presents and birthday cake.  Dad enjoyed himself very much.

November 14, 2015

The girls attended two birthday parties today.  Rhiannon's friend Caroline held held an arts and crafts party at a local establishment and Dad took her there while Evangeline went to her friend Jenna's house for cake and presents.  Momma accompanied her to that event.

November 11, 2015

Rhiannon and her classmates held a Veteran's Day performance today.  They sang patriotic songs on stage in front of all the parents and everyone watched a slide show of each child along with relatives who were veterans.  Rhiannon was shown with Papa in his Army uniform.

November 6, 2015

Aunt Carol and Uncle Doug from Massachusetts flew into Atlanta for the weekend to spend time with the GA family.  The groups got together each day to spend time catching up and enjoying each others company.

October 31, 2015

Today was Halloween and Rhiannon and Evangeline dressed up as a Unicorn Princess and Batgirl, respectively.  Momma took them around teh neighborhood to Trick-or-Treat then afterwards they drove to Aunite A's house for a big Boo Bash party

October 30, 2015

Evangeline's class had their Halloween Party today.  The kids all dressed in their spookiest costumes and enjoyed lots of treats.  Rhiannon also attended dressed in her Halloween costume.

October 27, 2015

Today was Book Character Day at Rhiannon's school.  Rhi dressed up as Princess Black.

October 25, 2015

Today the dad took his girls to the neighborhoods Fall Festival.  The Grangers joined in as well with cousin Jackson.  While the kids played games and enjoyed each other's company, the adults watched, visited and took pictures.

October 21, 2015

Today was "Donuts for Dads" day in Rhiannon's classroom.  Besides the food and coffee, Dad also received a tour of her classroom and some handmade gifts.  Afterwards dad and daughter attended a chapel service for grades K-4.

October 19, 2015

Rhiannon was announced as "Super Kid" for her classroom.  She was treated to some special privileges all week and received letters from all her classmates describing how they felt about her.

October 18, 2015

Rhiannon attended a birthday part for a classmate today and while she was doing that Evie and dad killed time at the mall, eating lunch and ice cream and riding up and down the escalators.

October 11, 2015

The GA family came to the Clary house today to celebrate momma's birthday.  Everyone feasted on food from a local restaurant and enjoyed birthday cake afterwards.  The kids also helped mom open presents after dinner.

October 10, 2015

Today was momma's birthday.  Daddy was out of town at a football game so the girls celebrated together.

October 7, 2015

Evangeline's class got a visit from the local fire department today.  They talked to the children about their jobs and the importance of safety.  Evie made sure to mention that her Uncle and cousin are both firemen.

October 5, 2015

Rhiannon's class took a field trip to a local bread factory to learn about baking and business.  It was very enjoyable and she was able to bring home some free samples.

October 4, 2015

Cousin Lilia had a sleepover with the girls last night.  The three of them had a lot of fun and enjoyed their company together.  Lots of make believe games challenged their imaginative skills.

September 25, 2015

Rhiannon and her classmates participated in a play today at their school.  It was called "Camp Learned-A-Lot" and Rhiannon had several speaking parts as well as read the opening prayer to the audience prior to the play beginning.

September 20, 2015

The Clary girls participated in a Treasure hunt at their house today.  They enjoyed searching for clues to the buried treasure.  They always enjoy this activity.

September 18, 2015

Rhiannon and dad attended a homecoming football game at Rhiannon's school.  It was a nice night and both enjoyed the game.  Rhiannon also had fun playing with her friends in the open space at the end of the end zone.

September 17, 2015

The Homecoming Hoedown was held today at Rhiannon's school.  The entire student body,  K - 12, participated on the oval.  Fun, games, food and music were on the agenda.  Both Clary girls had a great time playing.

September 12, 2105

Cousin Jackson celebrated his 4th birthday today with a Superhero theme and the entire GA family dressed up and participated.  Rhiannon went Starfire from the Teen Titans Go TV show and Evie was Supergirl.

September 10, 2015

Rhiannon and her classmates had a pizza party outside on the large green space at her school.  She enjoyed mingling with all the elementary kids in the lovely weather.

September 8, 2015

Rhiannon started her fist day of choir practice today.  She is enjoying singing very much and looking forward to performing carols for audiences at Christmas time.

September 1, 2015

Rhiannon recently took a reading comprehension test at school and as no surprise continues to excel at her favorite "sport".  At the start of the 2nd grade school year she is currently reading at a 6th grade level.  Mom and Dad are very proud of her efforts at continuing to expand her knowledge.

August 25, 2015

Today was picture day at Evie's school.  The photographer took pictures of her as well ones with her best friend and cousin Jackson.

August 21, 2015

Evangeline wore her pajamas to school today.  PJ day is always a favorite with the kids (and teachers) and she was so excited to wear her new Batgirl pajamas to show the rest of her classmates.

August 17, 2015

Today was picture day at Rhiannon's school and she took a photo for the school yearbook.

August 13, 2015

Today Rhiannon started second grade at her school.  She's graduated to a new uniform and likes her skirt and polo much more than her old white blouse and "jumper".  She's also moved to the second floor of her building and is now overlooking the playground.  She is very excited to start the year and get to know her 13 other classmates.

August 5, 2015

Rhiannon had her annual dentist appointment today and all checked out well.  The four teeth she's lost in the front of her mouth are coming in nicely and no indication that braces are needed in the near future.  All good news.

July 30, 2015

Rhiannon attended a birthday party today at a nearby park for her summer school friend Jonathon.

July 29, 2015

Rhiannon lost her fourth tooth today.  Now it looks like she has a big hole in the front of her mouth as two top and two bottom teeth are missing in the front of her mouth.  Very cute.
July 27, 2015

Today the girls finished up their swimming lessons for the summer.  Rhiannon is now able to jump in and swim in the deep end of the pool and continues to work on her freestyle stroke and breathing to the side.  Evie is on the verge of swimming alone by herself in water over her head.  She has no fear and is breathing on her own while kicking and using her arms.  Teacher said she expects her to he flying solo at the start of next years swimming season.

July 26, 2015

The girls attended a birthday pool party for a couple of boys they go to summer school with.  Mom chaperoned the event, which included swimming, pizza and desserts.

July 19, 2015

The GA Clary's traveled to Minnesota to celebrate cousin Stephanie's wedding.  The four of them stayed with Auntie Pam, along with Gramma, Papa and Uncle Mark.  It was great spending time with the "northern" family.  The girls had lots of fun, including dancing up a storm at the reception.  Rhiannon also lost her 3rd tooth during the trip and because the MN tooth fairy is "rich" she received a few extra dollars under her pillow.

July 8, 2015

The GA family, along with the MA family, finished up and exciting week celebrating Gram's 90th birthday.  Titled "GramFest" 31 relatives converged on Atlanta for 7 days of celebration, including lots and lots of games.  There was a casino night, day at the lake, 4th of July celebration, brunch at the Ritz, Mexican fiesta, golf and of course, food and drink.  The Clary's hosted 10 individuals at their house alone.  What a week it was and so wonderful to have such a reunion for Gram.

June 28, 2015

Rhiannon lost her second tooth today.  Of course, the tooth faiiry came again overnight, but was not quite as generous as she was for the first tooth.

June 27, 2015

Both girls got their hair cut today in anticipation of GramFest next week.  They both looked so cute upon their arrival home.

June 21, 2015

Today was Father's Day and the family took dad out to breakfast to start his day.  Later in the afternoon he opened his gifts and enjoyed some golf on TV.

June 19, 2015

It was Donuts for Dad day at Evie's school and of course dad participated.  And Rhiannon ended her camp week at her school with an Art Extravaganza where she showed her art for the week to mom.

June 17, 2015

Rhiannon had two of her classmates over for a slumber party today.  The girls, along with little sister Evie, made forts, played with dolls and held a puppet show.  Fun was had by all.

June 14, 2015

Jackson has been staying with the Clary family all week while his parents were in Mexico at a conference.  As always, the girls enjoy having their "brother" around to play with.  Also, today all the aunties dropped the house to continue planning for a family reunion that will take place over the 4th of July and all the other cousins dropped by to play.

June 12, 2015

Rhiannon ended her first week of summer camp at her school.  This week she participated in Spirit Camp, where she learned about cheerleading, and Craft Camp, where they made all kids of carts and crafts.

June 2, 2015

Rhiannon had her annual physical today.  She is doing great and remains in the 90th percentile for height.  Mom and dad continue to wonder where she gets it from.

June 1, 2015

Evangeline started two weeks of swimming lessons today.  It didn't take her long to get the hang of it and was soon putting her head under water and kicking her legs to move.  Mom and dad are hopeful by the end of summer she will be able to keep herself afloat on her own at the pool.

May 27, 2015

Mom and dad came back from Europe today and we very excited to see their kids.  The Grangers and Nonna did a fabulous job in watching over the kids while they were gone.

May 25, 2015

Today was Memorial Day and the Georgia family (minus mom and dad) celebrated the event at auntie A's house.  

May 19, 2015

Evangeline participate din her very first ballet recital at her school this morning.  Nonna was on hand to observe and celebrate with Evie.

May 15, 2015

Rhiannon and her classmates celebrated the end of another school year with a big party.  Nonna was able to attend in the place of mom and dad.

May 14, 2015

Mom and Dad flew to Scotland today to attend a friends wedding and Nonna is watching Rhiannon for the week while Evangeline spends the week with cousin Jackson.  The girls were very much looking forward to the adventure.  

May 13, 2015

Today was Rhiannon's official 7th birthday.  Prior to having cake and ice cream with her family and Nonna, who came into town for the week, the Clary family attended Rhi's ballet recital at school.

May 11, 2015

Rhiannon had a piano recital today at her school.  Mom was able to attend and get a video.  She played the Galloping Pony for the audience and did very well.

May 10, 2015

Today was Mother's day and the girls celebrated their love for their mom by helping make breakfast for her then presenting her with gifts and cards.  They lover her so much.

May 9, 2015

Today the Georgia family celebrated Rhiannon's 7th birthday and cousin Tessa's 13th birthday with a big party at the Clary home.  The party theme was "Cheetahs" and mom decorated the house to match.  The kids had fun playing while the adults visited and later in the evening both kids opened gifts and everyone had cake for dessert.

May 6, 2015

Rhiannon lost her very first tooth today.  She thought this day would never come.  She was so excited to see what the Tooth Fairy would bring her the next morning.

May 2, 2015

Today was a busy Saturday for the Clary family.  They started their day off attending an Arts and Crafts fundraiser at Rhiannon's school.  After that, they traveled to Evangeline's school where their Spring Carnival was being held.  Besides the numerous treats on hand, the kids also got their faces painted, participated in a cake walk, had fun in a jumpy house, climbed a rock tower, rode in a train and watched a magician perform (Rhiannon even got to go up and act as his special assistant).  That evening most of the GA family came over to the Clary house to hang out and watch the Kentucky Derby.  Dad grilled dinner for everyone and then the adults played games while the kids watched a movie.  A very fun-filled day for all.

April 30, 2015

Jackson's parents were out of town for a few days so he spent the past weekend and the early part of the week hanging with the Clary family.  The kids enjoyed all their time together and were very sad when his parents came by to pick him up. 

April 28, 2015

Today was Evangeline's three year checkup at the doctor.  She came away with flying colors.

April 27, 2015

Dad surprised Rhiannon's class today as a Mystery Reader.  He brought three books to her classroom and read them in front of the kids.  It was fun for both father and daughter.

April 15, 2015

Today was Morning with Mom day at Rhiannon's school.  Mother and daughter enjoyed some breakfast treats in the classroom and Rhiannon presented mom with some special gifts she had made for her.  They then attended Wednesday chapel together.

April 7, 2015

Rhiannon created a sandwich board of the state of Minnesota and filled it with all kinds of facts about the state.  IT was her version of a book report and she presented it in front of her class.

April 5, 2015

For Easter, the Georgia families all met at Auntie Sammy's house for a late brunch.  It was another wonderful day.  Everyone brought food and were dressed in their best Easter attire to celebrate.

April 4, 2015

Today was Evangeline's 3rd birthday and the Georgia families all came over to the Clary household to celebrate the event.  The theme of the party was the "Minion" characters from the Despicable Me movies and most were dressed accordingly.  Mom had the meal catered.  All the kids played hard and of course everyone enjoyed the cake mom made for her daughter.

March 29, 2015

The subdivision held its annual Easter egg hunt and party today at the clubhouse.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and the girls had a wonderful time gathering eggs for their baskets.  They also enjoyed the petting zoo and playing on the playground afterwards with a bunch of the other kids.

March 25, 2015

The entire first grade at Rhiannon's school held a big Easter Egg hunt at a local park.  Mom and dad both attended, with dad taking photos and mom helping set up and run the ice cream social held at the end of the event.  Between the egg hunt and the ice cream, the kids played in lots of organized games.

March 22, 2015

Mom, dad and Rhiannon went to a piano recital in Atlanta this evening.  They saw pianist George Winston in concert.  Dad has seen him many times and was happy two of his girls could join him.  Although Evangeline was unable to attend, she did get to have a sleepover at Jackson's house which to her was just as good.

March 20, 2015

This week was spring break for Rhiannon.  As mom and dad were not able to get off work, she spent the week at Evie's school, helping out the younger kids in and out of the classroom.

March 13, 2015

Today was Evangeline's favorite day of the month as it was Pajama Day in her classroom.  She absolutely loves wearing her Anna (from Frozen) nightgown to school.

March 12, 2105

Rhiannon and her class took a bus ride into the city to visit the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.  They were exposed to all kinds of flora and fauna and Rhiannon came aware very impressed with the field trip.

March 10, 2015

Today was the spring Parent-Teacher conference for Rhiannon.  Her teacher had nothing but good to say about "sweet Rhiannon".  She is a great listener, follows directions and gets along well with her classmates.  Not surprisingly, she excels in reading where she recently tested at a 6th grade reading level.

March 5, 2015

This morning is was "Donuts for Dads" day in Rhiannon's classroom.  Besides the food and coffee, Dad also got a tour of her classroom and some handmade gifts.  Afterwards dad and daughter attended a chapel service for grades K-4.

February 28, 2015

Today was Party Palooza for Mom and the girls.  It started off in the morning with a birthday party for Rhiannon's close friend Alexa.  Early in the afternoon Rhi and mom went to birthday party number two for another classmate.  And late in the afternoon, all three girls attended a birthday party for a friend and classmate of Evangeline's.

February 27, 2015

Today Rhiannon's classroom put on a play entitled "3 Piggy Opera".  It was the story of the 3 Little Pigs.  Rhiannon played the part of a bunny rabbit.

February 26, 2015

Bad weather in the Atlanta area closed the girls school the past two days and because mom was out of town at a work function Dad stepped in and stayed home with the kids.

February 13, 2015

Both the girls celebrated Valentine's Day with parties in their classrooms.  Mom helped organize Rhiannon's party and assisted other parent's with activities and fancy food.

February 12, 2015

Today  Evangeline's first day of ballet class.  Dad sent her off to school dressed in her first pink tutu and she was so proud.  Rhiannon's class also had a field trip today where they drove into Atlanta to tour the Puppetry Arts Center.

February 8, 2015

Rhiannon celebrated the 7th birthday of one of her friends at school with a party at a movie theater.  The girls watched "Frozen" and enjoyed pizza and cake.

February 6, 2015

It was "Daddy Daughter" dance night at Rhiannon's school today.  Dad and Daughter got dressed in their best dancing attire and before the event went to a fancy restaurant nearby for dinner.  When they arrived they had their picture taken and enjoyed lots of dancing, games and treats.  It was a very enjoyable night for both of them.

January 23, 2015

Rhiannon had a sleepover tonight at her good friend Alexa's house.  This was part of her friends birthday celebration and she enjoyed her time very much.

January 21, 2015

Rhiannon had a dentist appointment today.  Everything checked out just fine and she handled herself like an old pro.  Dentist said it could be a bit, however, before she loses her tooth, which is a big disappointment for Rhi.  She can't wait for the tooth fairy to come.

January 18, 2015

The entire Georgia family celebrated January birthdays at Auntie Sammys house.  This month saw cousin Nia and Aunties A and Sammy all turn one year older.  It was a fun evening of celebration, including a big playoff win for the Patriots.

January 17, 2015

Today was Parents Night Out and, after dropping the kids off for a night of games, crafting and movies, Mom and Dad enjoyed a date night of dinner and a movie.

January 5, 2015

Today was Evie's first day in her new classroom, Pre School 1, joining some old friends as well as, for the first time, cousin Jackson.  She is now officially over the halfway point of her time in the daycare and to her first year in Kindergarten.

January 1, 2015

Nearly all of the Georgia family spent the day at Auntie Jessie's h0me celebrating the New Year.  Everyone played games, watched movies and football and enjoyed Chinese food.
